Hello, I compiled the new release 3.0.1 from source and tested if it fixes my issue but it didn't. The errors in Firefox and Chromium are still the same. I think it has something to do with TLS since HTTP works but HTTPS doesn't. I am using a certificate from "Let's Encrypt" obtained via certbot. I copied fullchain and private key in one file (like I did for Hiawatha) and specified it as certificate in my Pound config. Is this the right way?

Thanks in advance!

Emanuel Loos

Am 20.08.21 um 18:15 schrieb Todd Fleisher via pound:
I haven’t really messed with Pound v3 at all, but tried to test this out using your configuration (adapted for IP & hostname), a basic apache2 listener on port 80 with no Nextcloud or anything fancy, & a self-signed SSL certificate and it segfaults for me pretty much immediately on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Pound compiled by hand when it receives a curl request. Maybe this output will help Robert or someone else in debugging:

    debug option 5 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:632
    start get_others /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:564
    start get_global /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:74
    user 0 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:80
    group 0 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:85
    start get_backends /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:123
    addr /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:139
    port 80 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:142
    push /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:168
    start get_https /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:489
    address /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:510
    port 443 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:513
    start get_services /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:209
    HeadRequire Host: above-puma.local
    push /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:258
    start get_certificates /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:451
    start get_one(/etc/pound/bundle.pem)
    get_one add pattern above-puma.local
    get_one: added 1 patterns /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:436
    client 60 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:516
    start get_ciphers /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:334
    cipher TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
    cipher TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM
    cipher TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
    cipher TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-MD5
    push /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/config.c:552
    Prepare backends /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/pound.c:153
    Prepare listeners /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/pound.c:185
    Prepare services for listener 0 /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/pound.c:188
    7F8DB8DDE700 start service /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:45
    Starting resurrector thread /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/util.c:80
    7F8DB8DDE700 Null session: /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:52
    7F8DB65D9700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB5DD8700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB5DD8700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB4DD6700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB4DD6700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB55D7700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB55D7700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB65D9700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB6DDA700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB6DDA700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB75DB700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB75DB700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB7DDC700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB7DDC700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB85DD700 thr_http start /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:535
    7F8DB85DD700 start loop /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7F8DB4DD6700 peer address
    7F8DB4DD6700 start sni /home/ubuntu/Pound-3.0/src/util.c:157
    7F8DB4DD6700 sni for above-puma.local
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I actually tried it in a devuan chimaera VM first to use the same apt package as you but was running into even stranger behaviors where pound sometimes claimed it couldn’t bind to IP:https even when nothing else was listening on port 443. I suspect this is an OS-level issue regarding cleaning up sockets as it frequently happened when I tried to restart pound after it crashed and if I waited a while until the network table was clean of the last TIME_WAIT associated with port 443 it would start working again.

But even when it would successfully bind it also immediately segfaulted on the first attempt to connect to it via curl:

    root@devuan:/etc/pound# pound -d 5
    debug option 5 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:632
    start get_others /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:564
    start get_global /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:74
    user 0 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:80
    group 0 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:85
    start get_backends /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:123
    addr /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:139
    port 80 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:142
    push /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:168
    start get_https /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:489
    address /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:510
    port 443 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:513
    start get_services /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:209
    HeadRequire Host: devuan.local
    push /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:258
    start get_certificates /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:451
    start get_one(/etc/pound/bundle.pem)
    get_one add pattern devuan.local
    get_one: added 1 patterns
    client 60 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:516
    start get_ciphers /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:334
    cipher TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
    cipher TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM
    cipher TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
    cipher TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-MD5
    push /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/config.c:552
    Prepare backends /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/pound.c:153
    Prepare listeners /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/pound.c:185
    Prepare services for listener 0
    Starting resurrector thread
    7FCDAF89E700 start service /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:45
    7FCDAF89E700 Null session: /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:52
    7FCDAC898700 thr_http start
    7FCDAC898700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAC097700 thr_http start
    7FCDAC097700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAB896700 thr_http start
    7FCDAB896700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAD099700 thr_http start
    7FCDAD099700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAD89A700 thr_http start
    7FCDAD89A700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAE09B700 thr_http start
    7FCDAE09B700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAE89C700 thr_http start
    7FCDAE89C700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAF09D700 thr_http start
    7FCDAF09D700 start loop /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:539
    7FCDAF09D700 peer address
    7FCDAF09D700 start sni /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/util.c:157
    7FCDAF09D700 sni for devuan.local
    Segmentation fault


On Aug 19, 2021, at 16:45, Emanuel Loos via pound <pound@apsis.ch <mailto:pound@apsis.ch>> wrote:

Thank you for the kind words!

Looks like pound really wasn't running when you checked. It should when and after you receive this email.

Here is what Pound writes when trying to access a page with Firefox:

700 start sni /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/util.c:157
7FD71E405700 start do_request /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:257
7FD71E405700 start do_http2 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http2.c:296
7FD71E405700 start get_be /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/http.c:143
7FD724C12700 start backend_2 /build/pound-hSCqfU/pound-3.0/src/backend.c:213 - - [Fri Aug 20 01:00:12 2021] "GET /index.php/login HTTP/1.1" 200 8985

Surprisingly it didn't crash this time. Looks like the crashes where independent from this and caused due to restarting it to fast. However, even though Pound says everything goes as it should it doesn't: Firefox reports a Network Protocol Error (see attached screenshots). Lynx (a command line webbrowser), however, is able to access the service without problems. Putting this together with the error curl gives I have an idea what the issue could be: I think, since Pound is writing about HTTP1.1 and curl is writing about HTTP2 the HTTP versions might be somehow mixed up or wrongly identified. I don't know how to check and/or fix this, however.

Emanuel Loos

Am 20.08.21 um 00:01 schrieb Todd Fleisher via pound:
FWIW - right now I can connect to the public IPv4 address for nc.emanuel-loos.eu <http://nc.emanuel-loos.eu> <http://nc.emanuel-loos.eu <http://nc.emanuel-loos.eu>> (, only the onion service @ http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion/index.php/login <http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion/index.php/login> <http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion/index.php/login <http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion/index.php/login>> is responding. The public IPv4 address refuses connections.

Assuming the onion service points to the same apache2 backend and it actually works beyond just loading the login page, this would seem to point to an issue with your pound instance - maybe it is no longer running due to a crash or you stopped it deliberately. Once you verify it is running, you could also try to attach an strace to pound's PID to see what is happening when you make a request to it and/or when it is hammering your CPU like you mentioned below.


P.S. Kudos to you for being aware of the power of self-hosting and trying to learn more about it. It feels like an overlooked concept with younger generations so it’s refreshing to see sentiments like yours

On Aug 19, 2021, at 13:34, Emanuel Loos via pound <pound@apsis.ch <mailto:pound@apsis.ch> <mailto:pound@apsis.ch <mailto:pound@apsis.ch>>> wrote:

Am 19.08.21 um 21:39 schrieb Emanuel Loos via pound:
If it helps: The backend is an apache2 web server with a lot of PHP (Nextcloud) and also available on this Tor Onion Service:

http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion <http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion> <http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion <http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion>>

Thanks in advance!

Emanuel Loos

Am 19.08.21 um 21:02 schrieb Emanuel Loos via pound:
-----Original Message-----
From: pound <pound-boun...@apsis.ch <mailto:pound-boun...@apsis.ch>> On Behalf Of Emanuel Loos via pound
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 10:34 AM
To: pound@apsis.ch <mailto:pound@apsis.ch>
Cc: Emanuel Loos <m...@mailing-lists.emanuel-loos.eu <mailto:m...@mailing-lists.emanuel-loos.eu>> Subject: Re: [pound] PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR in Firefox and ERR_CONNECTION refused in Chromium but lynx works

Hello the third time,

just reporting that for some reason Pound just started using the full CPU power on one core:

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES SHR S %CPU  %MEM ZEIT+ BEFEHL    3590 root      20   0 1274244  16664 3144 R 99,3   0,1 37:35.29 pound

it is not a problem for me right now as it is a small private server doing not much else (except sending this email) right now but I don't thing that is how it should be. Anyway I think I'll still keep Pound running (or maybe restart it) for now so if anyone wants to help me with my problem Pound is online and the problem can investigated easier.

Thanks in advance!

Emanuel Loos

Am 19.08.21 um 17:00 schrieb Emanuel Loos via pound:
Hello again,

just wanted to add that with curl this happens:

emanuel@devuan-emanuel:~$ curl
https://nc.emanuel-loos.eu/index.php/login <https://nc.emanuel-loos.eu/index.php/login> curl: (92) HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err

I left Pound running on my server so as long as there is no crash
(like when trying to connect using Firefox or Chromium but not lynx or curl) it should stay online. You are welcome to test it yourself if it

Anyone got an idea what the problem could be or how to debug it further?

Thanks in advance!

Emanuel Loos

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pound@apsis.ch <mailto:pound@apsis.ch>

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