I've been using PowerMail for a more than two years now,
and I've become totally addicted to the FoxTrot search
feature.  I use FoxTrot to instantly find interesting threads
in a handful of technical mailing lists that I don't have
the time to read day to day, but keep archived for later
reference.  One of this lists has accumulated in excess of
38,000 messages.

Today, for the first time, it looks like I hit some hard
limit, because the following dire warning popped up:

    Your database is near 2 GB

    PowerMail can't handle a message database larger than 2 GB.
    You should compact your database, or export old messages
    and delete them from your database.

So far I haven't really deleted any messages except spam,
so I don't think compacting my database will help much
except perhaps put off cleaning it out for a few more days.
It sounds like the moment has come, but I really don't want
to lose the ability to search old messages.

What are my options?  Can I export folders in a format
that FoxTrot Personal Search can index?

Are there any plans to support databases larger than 2 GB
in a future version of PowerMail?  With hard disks getting
larger and cheaper by the day, two gigs look like a pretty
small limit.

                                    -- marco

It's not the data universe only, it's human conversation.
They want to turn it into a one-way flow that they have entirely
monetized. I look at the collective human mind as a kind of
ecosystem. They want to clear cut it. They want to go into the
rainforest of human thought and mow the thing down.

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