And to add to the options, at the same site (do a search on the name)
textSoap also does a great job within PowerMail.  It can function via a
contextual menu and in addition to quoting, and "de-quoting", it can
clean up HTML markers, rewrap text properly and dozens of other user-
configurable options.  Worth a look.


>I use a SmartWrap <
>4065> and you can set it up for general usage via the Services menu and/
>or especially for use in PowerMail.
>------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------
>>One thing that frustrates me is the inability of PowerMail to Quote
>>selective text and rewrap it if it's ben edited down. Sometimes, if
>>someone asks several questions in the same paragraph I like to split
>>them up, quoting each question and then resposing. 
>>PM seems almost totally unable to do this in a reasonable way - surely
>>I'm missing somethng?!
>>Simon Troup
>>Digital Music Art

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