Hi Jérôme,

>Remember that backuping an opened database is not safe, especially if
>you have a schedule to retrieve mail: if the database is modified while
>it is copied, the backup may become corrupted. So, if Retrospect is set
>to backup your PowerMail database, make it quit PowerMail before proceeding!

I do not use a schedule to retrieve mail, so my PowerMail database is
inactive when my Retrospect backup runs.  If I am certain that the
database is inactive, will the backup be OK?

Now that I'm an expert in cron <g> I could do something like stop
PowerMail at 1:00 AM, run Retrospect at 2:00, and restart PowerMail at
3:00.  Is this advisable or is it not necessary?


Jim Pistrang
JP Computer Resources
Certified Member, Apple Consultants Network

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