>My PowerMail (5.2) has quit sending mails, and the schedules no
>longer run, although it will receive mail if I tell it to "connect
>again".  I have tried reinstalling, tried starting with the command
>and option keys held down.  I'm stumped.  When I go to the setup for
>the schedules, their is a yellow ball/button next to the
>schedule....does that indicate a problem there?

The yellow ball indicates the active schedule (in case you have multiple
ones). Verify that the correct accounts are checked, by clicking the
"accounts" buttons in the schedulings dialog.

>To make things a bit more confusing, it WILL send if I use the
>"connection/send waiting" messages method.

Also verify that "immediately when queued" is checked in the schedulings

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "PowerMail has just about every power-user feature I could wish for,
    and its interface makes an ex-Emailer user feel at home. But what
    really impressed me is the incredible speed of text searches: PowerMail
    can comb through my 23,000+ messages in literally a *fraction* of a
    second, on a lowly iBook.  No other mail client I've tried even
    remotely comes close. Kudos for FoxTrot!"
  Marco Piovanelli, PowerMail user

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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