I've put these feature requests into the mix at various points in the
past but I thought I'd reiterate them in one coherent chunk, as they all
pertain to the Recent Mail window (RMW). I LOVE the recent Mail window,
and in fact I read nearly all of my email from there, only needing the
browser window for older email. But it could be better. Here's my thoughts:

1. Integrate it into the main browser window as a tab. I work in 3-pane
mode, and the idea of retaining the folder list on the left with the
remaining area showing *either* the normal browser view(s) *or* the RMW,
depending on what is required seems to me to be a neater solution than
having two windows where one can often get hidden by the other. There is
a reason why tabbed internet browsers were such a hit, after all.
Tabbed windows are only a problem if you need to move items back and
forth between them, but that would not be the case here; the folder list
would be visible from either the browser of RMW tab, so messages could
still be drag-filed as easily as previously (in fact, more easily; in
order to drag a message from the RMW to a folder I need to make sure that
the RMW and 3-pane browser windows overlap correctly such that the
relevant parts of each are visible. This is tiresome -- okay, not THAT
tiresome, but this is fine-tuning we're talking about here).

2. I would also DEARLY love to have a preference where items were
retained in the RMW until manually removed by myself -- not cleared every
time I need to restart Powermail. I don't need to restart it very often,
but there are other reasons that can force such activity -- installing
software that requires a re-log-in, for instance, or (the one that
prompted me to start this email) wanting to compact my database after
deleting a huge chunk of accumulated spam and mail trash. I'm currently
holding off compacting simply because there are messages in the RMW that
I wish to keep there. PM has no flagging mechanism, and the RMW is a
semi-practical way to keep 'current' email at the fore, rather than
buried in the filed archives (out of sight, out of mind).

3. A button to remove *Selected* items from the RMW, not all of the mail
or all the 'read' mail. I let spam show up in my RMW so I can glance over
it for false positives. Then I want to remove it from the RMW, but 'Clear
Read Messages' will clear items that I don't want cleared (for reasons in
point 2).

Related suggestion:
What I would REALLY REALLY like is to have the browser window set up with
3 tabs: Browser, Recent Mail (amended as 2 and 3 above), and Flagged. I'd
like PM to be able to mark a message as Flagged, and have that message
automatically show in the Flagged tab until it is marked as Unflagged.
Kind of like iTunes' smart folders.

Okay that's it. Sorry for the long post.
Anyone else?


G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.8  ::  PM 5.1  ::  3 pane mode

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