Giovanni Andreani sez:

>for how long (better is how many incoming messages) do you usually keep
>SpamSieve in training mode?
>And, in the SpamSieve --> Preferences --> Filters, do you keep the "Use Mac
>OS X Address Book" and "Use Entourage Address Book" checked?
>Thank you
>Giovanni Andreani

I think SpamSieve is always in "training mode" since you can always "mark
as good" or "mark as spam" to tell SpamSieve how to classify something it
missed or got wrong.

The SpamSieve Manual says you should initially train your SpamSieve with
between 1000-2000 messages. I didn't do that because I didn't have a ton
of spam at the moment I installed and didn't want to risk skewing the
program's results. So I filtered my inbox of a few hundred messages and
filtered the spam I had collected at that time (I started saving spam for
a week or so before installing SpamSieve). Since then it's been running
well for me. I've only had to click "mark as spam" a few times and it's
only been wrong once.

Others with more mail and spam may need to initially train more. Still,
it's the ongoing marking which I think teaches SpamSieve more.

For fun, here are my SpamSieve stats. My internet provider uses
Greylisting to cut down on the amount of spam, else I'd be getting nearly
100+ a day -- thus my decision to stop subscribing to SpamCop and upgrade
to PM 5 and SpamSieve.

>Filtered Mail
>514 Good Messages
>503 Spam Messages (49%)
>13 Spam Messages Per Day
>SpamSieve Accuracy
>1 False Positives
>53 False Negatives (98%)
>94.7% Correct
>402 Good Messages
>597 Spam Messages (60%)
>31945 Total Words
>279 Blocklist Rules
>269 Whitelist Rules
>Showing Statistics Since
>2/8/05 9:03 AM

By the way, I don't have "Use Entourage Address Book" checked because I
use PowerMail! :)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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