>Yet, for those who understand how use such
>graphic variation for clearer communication....

LOL, now I feel invalidated. 

I am a Graphic Designer since 25 years and I DEFINITELY know and
understand how to use such graphic variation for clearer communication -
in the right place at the right time. Being able to write clearly and
visual WITHOUT added visual fluff is what great writers of the past and
present knew and know how to do.

Following a free quote of a comment which Cindy Eliason made on this list
made several years ago when - as many other times - this subject got
heatedly discussed on this list:

"HTML is for ads and web browsers, plain text is for content and e-mail."

I fully agree.

PM users will never be 100% same view on this specific topic. 6 years or
more of using PM has shown this clearly. I am glad that CTM Dev. has kept
PM a text emailer so far and hope this will remain. How much more worth
than bold and italic and colors is to me the blazing fast search engine
of Foxtrott!


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