>Urs Gruetzner wrote:
>>However PM 5.1 behaves very quirky: sometimes scrolling works as
>>expected, sometimes scrolling has a dreadful delay, sometimes it scrolls
>>not at all, there is no rule recognizable which behavior is about to prefer
>>What is the experience of other users with mice with a scroll wheel or pad?
>Funnily, I just had a similar issue a short time ago. It did only happen
>on the message pane, not the message list pane (I'm in three-pane mode).
>Finally, restarting my Mac solved it. I was trying out some software at
>that time, so maybe one of those had an effect. So it might well be not a
>PowerMail specific issue, but more a system issue.
>If I get this again, I'll see if I can determine the cause.
>One other thing comes to mind: You say you were using a cordless mouse -
>are you sure that the battery is still ok? When I get jerky mouse
>movements with my cordless mouse, it's usually that the battery is
>drained. Moving the receiver nearer to the mouse (or changing the
>batteries :-)) solves the issue. However, I have found that cordless mice
>(at least mine - a Logitech one) do not have the same smooth movement
>(esp. diagonally) than cable-bound mice (e.g. USB), so I'm not using them
>anylonger for my day-to-dy work.

You were right, a new start brought the scrolling back. The V500 from
Logitech is some days old, so the battery was no issue. The movement of
this mouse BTW is smooth and ok for me.



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