Nancy Creighton / 04.12.24 / 1:13PM wrote:

>I just removed PM from my computer, and did a new reinstall, and that
>didn't help. So you are probably right, it's not PM.
>I've never used Terminal, so I'm not "comfy" but there's a first time for
>everything. I used to run a networked PC lab (back when Windows 3.1 was
>the new wonder) so I'm comfy with going into the innards of software and
>hardware in general.

Let me try if I can do this without Terminal.

Under Finder, locate
    ~/Library/Application\ Support folder
That would be your home -> Library folder.
Make sure AddressBook is there.
Highlight it then Cmd+I which brings the info pane.
Look under Permission (or something like that.. I am on Japanese machine :-)
Is the owner you?
If not, change it to you including all the sub folders.


- Hiro


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