[EMAIL PROTECTED] (15/12/04 9:16 pm) said:

>Anybody got any clues on how to make PM clear it's whitelist so things
>get filtered properly again?

1. PowerMail keeps a list of recipients and senders which it uses as a
white list. You can clear this in "Preferences/Address Book"

2. SpamSieve has a white list which contains the names and email
addresses of messages which have been marked as good. I have had a few
problems with this - specifically, where a good email is sent from (say)
"Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>". In this case SpamSieve will whitelist
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (which is good) and will also whitelist "Steve", which
is problemmatic. A few days later, I might get an email from "Steve
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", and SpamSieve will pass this through as a non-
spam email because it has whitelisted "Steve". I can resolve the problem
by deleting or disabling "Steve" from the white list, but I think that
there should be a preference option to control the way in which names are
automatically whitelisted. It would be better if only names that are
reasonably distinct get whitelisted - e.g. first/second name combinations
("Steve Smith").


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