It sounds like one of your earlier filters is acting as a catch-all,
preventing all subsequent filters from ever getting to it.  Try moving
your spam filters to the top of the list.  If SpamSieve gets invoked,
move them down one, stop SpamSieve, and try again.  Keep going until you
find the filter that is turning off all subsequent ones when it
shouldn't.  Of course, this is easier said than done, as it requires you
to wait for spam to arrive then stop SpamSieve on each iteration.

Alternatively, wait till you get a single spam that isn't processed
properly (these days, shouldn't be very long), pull it up in a window,
then just look at the filters one by one, in order, thinking through
exactly what it would do with that message.  This is less empirical but
works if you understand your filters well and can read them without
making assumptions (ruthless empiricism is the key to debugging).



>The problem is I don't think this is a SpamSieve issue. I say this
>because the application never get's launched at startup. It's like PM has
>decided that none of my email needs to be checked. I know from re-reading
>my archives that somebody had a very similar issue, so I was kind of
>hoping that they would chime in with the way to fix this.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andy Fragen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Dec 15, 2004 1:53 PM
>To: PowerMail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: SpamSieve whitelist/PM whitelist
>>From SS select View > Show Whitelist. From there you can add or delete
>Andy Fragen

Raúl Vera
Orbit 3 Pty Ltd
8 Coneill Place
NSW 2037

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