you have 2 buttons in the toolbar:
a smily and a fly.
with the smily you mark good messages, the fly does the opposite.
Before you start training spam sieve, go through the spam assistent,
which you'll find in the preferences under spam.

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 09:46:16 +0100 schrieb/wrote Giovanni Andreani:

>Thank you all for the advices about legal email lists; I can see, looking
>around the web, that the really genuine legal ones are almost inexistent,
>as David Gordon suggested.
>Meanwhile, I've installed the trial version of SpamSieve but can't find
>the scripts for training it. The help doc says: 
>"To train SpamSieve with spam messages, select one or more of them and
>then choose SpamSieve - Train Spam from the Scripts menu.
>To train SpamSieve with good messages, select one or more of them and
>then choose SpamSieve - Train Good from the Scripts menu."
>Am I missing something?
>Thank you

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