A-NO-NE Music ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Wed, Nov 10, 2004 08:30 said:

>and I am on OSX10.3.6.  I keep PM open 24/7, and PM5.x crash rate is
>certainly high, once or twice a day.  Altho I don't think rebuilt sort

As a developer myself, I have a suggestion for those of you with random
crashes with PowerMail, or any program really.  Quit PM, open Terminal,
and paste the following lines:

export MallocStackLogging=1
export MallocStackLoggingNoCompact=1
export MallocScribble=1
export MallocGuardEdges=1
export MallocCheckHeapStart=1
export MallocCheckHeapEach=1000

then type:

open /Applications/PowerMail.app

or whatever the path to your PM app is.  Actually, you can type 'open '
then drag the PM icon from the finder to the terminal window, that will
paste the path.

This will enabled some memory debugging tools that may make PM crash
more, which is good because a reproducible bug is always easier to fix.

Erroneous google translation: "To cook with the furnace approximately 15
minutes and to be useful."

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