On 10/19/04 at 8:01 PM, PowerMail discussions (powermail-

Thank-you to all who've responded to my query so far... as an adendum to
my previous post I did notice a tremendous amount of HD activity while
PM V. 5.1b3 demo is running or idle. I think this explains the high CPU
activity - perhaps it is looking for a database that doesn't exist?
Because the demo has expired, I have no way of instituting a "new"
database or a previous one because the program is for all intents and
purposes locked. Perhaps someone on staff could explain the HD activity
with 5.1? V. 4.1.2 - as I mentioned previously, works without fault on
my system. I would really like to upgrade PM to V.5 but until I can
resolve the CPU and HD activity, I can't. 


>>I'm investigating the possibility of upgrading PM from V. 4.1.2 to
>>version 5. I downloaded the 5.1b3 demo this morning and since I had
>>already tried out a demo 5xxx when it had first been released some
>>months ago, the demo has expired. No problem with that however, my
>>impressions of the original demo - from what I can remember - are
>>good... One problem I do notice however is the excessive CPU usage with
>>this demo.. Activity Monitor indicates 45 to 55% CPU usage when
>>Powermail V.5 is idle. PM 4.1.2 uses 1.9 to 2.5% CPU when idle and Apple
>>Mail uses 0.5% when idle. Have any of you folks on the list had any
>>experience with this excessive CPU performance? 

From: "Jim Pistrang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I'm running 5.1b1 and seeing between .9 and 1.5 when PM is idle and in
>the background.  As I type this, I see levels between 5 and 10.
>I say do the upgrade!

From: "alan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On a much faster machine (2 x 2.0 GHz G5) I get 0.2-0.5% usage (out of
>200%) when PM is in the background. OSX 10.3.latest.

From: "Sean McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Your CPU is slow, but I think that's certainly not normal.
>I do have CPU-usage problems with PM 5.1b3 though.  When checking for
>mail, PM briefly uses >100% CPU for about 2 seconds.  The app becomes
>totally unresponsive and the mail checking progress bar freezes up. 
>Quite annoying.  I have a 1.2 GHz G4.  Anyone see this?

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