As usual, I hit "Send" too soon. Turns out there's a line in the Burst
Scripts identifying the PowerMail Scripts folder: 

>set ScriptFolder to user folder & "PowerMail Scripts:" as string

In my case, it should read: 

>set ScriptFolder to user folder & "Custom Scripts:" as string

I'm not sure why my setup is different, but once I changed that line in
both "Burst Digests" and "Clean eList Messages", the error message went away. 


On 4:40 PM CST, Sat, Aug 28, 2004, Evan Evanson wrote:

>On 10:34 PM CST, Tue, Mar 9, 2004, Andy Fragen wrote:
>>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>>I'm running Pather, but when I was running Jaguar I never saw this. I
>>have PM running all day long so I don't think that has anything to do
>>with it. Still it's a curiousity. Has anyone else using the Burst Digest
>>scripts seen this?
>This has been happening to me ever since I upgraded to PM v. 5.01 (from
>v. 4) a few weeks ago. Happens on both my B&W G3 (OS 10.3.4) and my new
>iBook G4 (OS 10.3.5 - I seem to be one of the lucky ones w/ no problems
>w/r/t the 10.3.5 upgrade). I have repeatedly re-downloaded and re-
>installed the scripts, and restarted PM and/or the computers, but nothing
>keeps the "Burst Digest" scripts from throwing up the same dialog for
>every message they "burst out" (i.e., every sub-message w/in the digest).
>Again, everything worked fine until the upgrade to PM v. 5. 
>I just did a search on my archive of the PM discussion list, and was
>disappointed to find that there hasn't been any word of these problems
>since March, so I guess nobody's come up w/ a solution. 

What Falwell Really Meant 
by Michael Gerber and Jonathan Schwarz

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the
feminists, and the gays and the lesbians...the A.C.L.U., People for the
American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point
the finger in their face and say, "You helped this happen."
     -Jerry Falwell, September 13th, on The 700 Club about last week's
terrorist attacks

"I sincerely regret that comments I made...were taken out of their context."
     -Jerry Falwell, September 14 

 Nine Possible Contexts: 

1. "...NOT." 

2. "You know, I'm really high right now, so this may not make any sense,

3. "Keeping in mind that today is Opposites Day, I emphasize that..."

4. "My son showed me this cool thing on Alta Vista, where you type
something in English and then have the computer translate it into French
and then into Spanish and then into German and then back to English-it's
kinda like 'Telephone,' you know?-and something that made sense at the
beginning will come out sounding like..."

5. "If an infinite number of monkeys typed on an infinite number of
typewriters, one of them would write..."

6. "I want to take a break from the grim events of this week, and salute
the brave people who've spent years making America a better and more
tolerant place. Who's done this, who's helped this happen? Well, I'll
tell you: ..."

7. "An insane man off camera is pointing a gun at my head and forcing me
to read this statement. Quote,..."

8. "Please join me in praying that, in the wake of this horrific tragedy,
Christ's message of peace will prevail, our entire country can unite in
compassion, not aggression, and that no misguided person will state..."

9. "I truly believe that if Osama bin Laden had been born in America,
right now he'd be saying..." 

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