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Here's what I did to get it to work. Some of it is a bit of voodoo
because I'm not sure exactly how it worked.

1. I opened the script in Script Editor. Selected a message and ran the
script. While SpamSieve was not open.

2. Log out, log in.

3. Open SpamSieve in Get Info and change the name to SpamSieve.app. Even
if it already says this.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be an AppleScript problem.

I did many of these things several times. I don't know what worked,
specifically, but it worked.

Bottom line. This problem only occurred for me after deleting System
cache from Onyx.

Andy Fragen

On Mon, Jul 12, 2004, Matthias Schmidt said:

>Did you trash the Spam Sieve preferences as someone suggested ?
>All the best
>iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
>Tel. +31-736-56-3905
>Am/On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 06:54:09 +0200 schrieb/wrote Raul Vera:
>>Hi Karsten-
>>I just moved to a new machine, running Panther instead of Jaguar, and now
>>I have this problem.  I have run OnyX, asking it to do most everything it
>>does, but nothing has helped.  Does anyone else have any insight into how
>>to fix this?
>>Raúl Vera
>>Karsten Liere wrote:
>>>Hi Oliver,
>>>Had the same problem couple of days ago. What actually helped was using
>>>Onyx to delete whatever Cache files exist. In addition I ran the
>>>maintenance cron scripts. Whatever was the reason, PM is now happy again
>>>finding SpamSieve.
>>>Btw, a workaround is to first start SpamSieve before starting PM...
>>>HTH. Cheers,
>>>>>Ok. It works after moving into Application Folder - even without
>>>>>question, for SpamSieve.
>>>>after restarting my iBook today, he ask again for SpamSieve.
>>>>It's surely a Bug in PM 5.01 or a broken Link in any Preference-File.
>>Raúl Vera
>>Orbit 3 Pty Ltd
>>8 Coneill Place
>>NSW 2037

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