I hope someone can help - my wife can't send mail from Powermail anymore
(powermail version is 5.0.1).  I really don't understand.  I suspected a
corrupted database problem, but we tried creating a new user environment
and re-entered the account information and powermail still can't send
mail.  She has the same mail server I have (though a different account)
and can recieve mail normally.  The only difference is that my computer
is OS 10.3.4 and her computer is OS 10.2.8 (I don't want to upgrade it to
panther because there is a problem with printing to an airport base
station printer under panther and it's good to have one computer that can
print normally). 

When trying to send a message, a dialog box saying "A file error
occurred", clicking on more info shows Class=file; what=100; when=1;
err=-50.  This happens twice before being returned to message compose

How can we get her Powermail to send mail again?  

John R. Hopper, Research Scientist
IfM-GEOMAR/Leibniz-Institute for Marine Science
Dynamics of the Crust and Mantle Research Division
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Tel: +49 431 600 2325
Fax: +49 431 600 2922

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