On Sun, Jun 27, 200411:39 AM, the following words from Midi Cox
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>Check for two things:
>1. The order in which the filters are applied.
>2. "Stop applying filters to this message" which is near the bottom of
>the dialogue box when you view the filter.
>I think you could accomplish this (depending on all your other filters)
>by doing the list filter first without the "stop applying filters" then
>filter your undesirables.

With my filter setup, I deal with the KNOWN and OBVIOUS undesirables
first. Any ambivalence seems to be too weighty in my filters. This means
the following are filtered to the trash immediately so they aren't acted
upon by other filters:

1. People who reply to digests without changing subject - subject
contains "digest".
2. People who send "Out of Office" autoreply messages to mailing lists.
Anyone important will notify me directly about their "in office" status.
3. People who send "is away on vacation" messages to mailing lists.
Again, important people let me know, just as I let them know without
accidently sending numerous autoresponse messages to mailing lists.
4. People I just find annoying.

IMO, you just can't enjoy your friends when the enemy interferes. So, all
my "enemy" filters are at the very top of the list and go immediately to
the trash. The filter doesn't mark them as read, so I know at a glance if
an undesirable message is in my trash. It takes me a couple minutes at
most to check and empty the trash, which I do before reading other
messages so my trash can be kept empty. I also empty the trash of read
messages before checking for new messages.
Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you
don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a
boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art. 

- Charlie Parker (1920-1955), U.S. jazz musician. quoted in Children of
Albion: Poetry of the Underground in Britain, "Afterwords," sct. 3, ed.
Michael Horovitz (1969). 

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *

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