I am currently faced to an increasing dose of mails that are sincere
mailserver responses to spams containing one of my oldest addresses as
the (fake) sender: visibly some spams are sent to ranges of mailboxes,
of which some appear to be saturated, abandoned ones, and the associated
mailserver sends back a note announcing the email couldn't be
distributed to these addresses. And this bounce is addressed to me...

While perfectly satisfied with SpamSieve up to now, this kind of server
answer is just the kind of mail I *cannot* declare as spam -because
sometimes it is helpful indeed, corresponding to a real problem: an old
friend having changed its mail address for instance...

Then I need a "classical" filter. I set something up, which says
- if sender is that mailserver
- if title is "non-distribution issue" (or the exact sentence I know)
- if body contains "Status: 5.2.2 (mailbox full)"
(for all these conditions simultaneously)
then I am pretty sure this is a non-distribution-related email.

What I would like to detect now, is wether the contents concerns a
single email address or more. 
If there is only one, I consider this is not a spam, but a real warning
on a friend's address (maybe I could trigger also on a recently used
address being inside the body?). If there are more than one, then I
consider it is a spam.

Thus, I would like to be able to specify a filter condition like: when
"Status: 5.2.2 (mailbox full)" appears TWICE, then...

How could I do this?


remove ".listes" and add a dot after fh please
enlevez ".listes" et ajoutez un point après fh

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