It appears that on 2/6/04 Tim Lapin spake thus:

>Just noticed a never before seen bug.  When composing a message, be it
>new or reply, resizing the "Recipients" field causes it to flicker.
>Has anyone else seen this since upgrading to 5.0?
>Tim Lapin
>G4/AGP/400    OS 10.3.4    PowerMail 5.0     384 MB RAM     40+10 GB HDs
Doesn't happen on my set-up

PM5, G4, 1.25 GHz DP, 1.5 GB RAM, 120 GB hard drive, Mac OS 10.3.4
Pat O'Halloran
So who the hell can he be when he's never had VD and
he doesn't even sit on toilet seats? - Ian Anderson

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