Isn't PM 5 beta meant to have expired on 30.05.04? Mine still seems to 
work. However... All my databases appear to have been translated - as 
if by magic! - this afternoon. When I launch PM4 it wants to translate 
my PM4 database. I can open it in PM5.

In other-words - its all gone wrong...

I _had_ successfully returned to PM4 last week having decided PM5 
wasn't for me.

I _should_ be able to export from PM5 via unix mailboxes back to PM4 
but I seem to be all tied up in knots here. How do I tell which version 
my database is? Why are some databases database.old? Where did it all 
go wrong? ;)

This message is coming to you via Apple Mail. Yuk, but at least all my 
messages are here and it won't 'expire'...


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