Panther 10.3.4, PM 5.0, PB 800, 1Gig RAM


I can use selected text in a message to add a new Text Signature from
just about anywhere using an Applescript "Create Signature"  [Thanks to
W. Eric Tyson for that!].

How else do I create a Text Signature? I have a Context Menu to create a
new Text Clipping (would like to have a CM for the Signature.) When I
select Setup/Text Signatures... I get a dialog listing all my signatures,
but short of replacing an existing one, I don't see any way to create a
new one.

I imagine there is something easy I'm missing here, but I'd claim that
it's not obvious!


- Chris Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users **

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