[This is a repost of a bug description sent to CTM support some time ago]

PowerMail consistently crashes when trying to switch the User Environment
(by opening a file of that new environment in the Finder) while a trash
emptying operation is still in progress.

I'm using two environments for different purposes, and switch several
times a day between the two using one PM file of each environment in the
Dock. Due to overwhelming spam, I routinely empty the trash before
switching to the other environment (which I do by clicking a file from
that other Env. in the Dock). However, trashing messages in my larger
environment does take quite long at the moment, and it takes several
seconds until the progress indicator shows up, so I often think PM is
already done with the trashing (it's only 10-15 emails in the trash per
operation), so I prematurely click on the other Environment's file in the
Dock for switching. Then, after PM switches environments, it crashes.

What I am asking for is either a dialog to pop up similar to the one that
delays user environment switching while retrieving mail or just delay
user environment switching to a time where it is safe to do so, i.e. no
concurrent thread/operation is running that will lead to a crash when
performing a switch.


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