Spam blockers are unnecessary.
Just use your web browser to log into your pop account using webmail.
Look at what's there and delete everything that you don't want.  (I hit
"select all" then individually uncheck the ones I want, then hit the
delete button on the page.)

After doing that, log into your mail account with PowerMail and download
what's left.

This leaves spam, viruses, etc. behind and you only get what you want.
It takes an extra 1-2 minutes for me to do this, and I usually have about
90 messages, 4-5 of which I keep.

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH?
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"

Replying to message quoted below

Thu, 22 Apr 2004 12:58:51 +0200

>david.gordon wrote:
>>I already had SpamSieve. I think that PM 5 is running the copy supplied.
>>Can I simply replace the copy in the PM folder with my original copy to
>>use my own corpus etc.
>Your SpamSieve corpus is stored in your Library folder, so there is
>nothing to move.
>PowerMail 5 requires SpamSieve 2.1.3 or higher; if you have an older
>version installed somewhere, make sure that it is not the old one that is
>launched when SpamSieve is called by PM.
>Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering
>   "With fairly flexible filters and mail options built-in, PowerMail shows
>    that a great deal of thought has gone into striking the balance between
>    a Über-geek tool (i.e. w/full-blown Boleean instructions) and something
>    a mortal can use (pull down menus)."
>  PowerMail user comment on
>         Download a demo version from

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