david.gordon wrote:

>I already had SpamSieve. I think that PM 5 is running the copy supplied.
>Can I simply replace the copy in the PM folder with my original copy to
>use my own corpus etc.

Your SpamSieve corpus is stored in your Library folder, so there is
nothing to move.
PowerMail 5 requires SpamSieve 2.1.3 or higher; if you have an older
version installed somewhere, make sure that it is not the old one that is
launched when SpamSieve is called by PM.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "With fairly flexible filters and mail options built-in, PowerMail shows
    that a great deal of thought has gone into striking the balance between
    a Über-geek tool (i.e. w/full-blown Boleean instructions) and something
    a mortal can use (pull down menus)."
  PowerMail user comment on www.macupdate.com

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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