En réponse au mail de DavidG, daté du 19/04/04 à 11:07 :

>PowerMail info wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 09:10 +0200
>>We are hereby pleased to announce the availability of the PowerMail 5.0b12
>>public beta release, which can be directly downloaded from:
>>         <http://www.ctmdev.com/download.shtml>
>I have found the demo however that page needs fixing, I'm seeing only
>HTML code.
Try to open it in Safari. I havec also the code in Mozilla

      Jean de Crombrugghe
A vendre iBook G4 14", 1Ghz, DD60 Go, 256 Mb acheté décembre 03
Belgium     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: jean1dc
                     -- -- ? -- --

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