>Subject says it all...
>I'm in the process of moving from a CRT iMac running Jaguar 10.2.6 to an
>iBook running Panther 10.3.3. PowerMail collects messages no problem, but
>any message that I create crashes PowerMail the moment I press the "Send"
>button. Once I wait for the app. to restart ("rebuilding indices...") the
>message I tried sending is in the out tray marked as "draft" - if i try
>toggling that to "waiting" PowerMail falls over again.
>It doesn't seem to be message specific - the same thing happens with any
>new message I try creating.
>Anybody else seen this? I'm back on Jaguar for the moment.

Oh dear...this doesn't look good. I've tried the following but to no avail:

1) Repaired permissions from OSX Disk Utility;
2) Low-level mail database rebuild and consistency check using Alt+cmd
when starting PowerMail;
3) Purged out tray;
4) Created new OSX user, with empty PowerMail database.

What have I forgotten?


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