
Thank you for your quick reply.

>>I am familiar with using emacs, and would like to have the keybind for
>>editing mail on PowerMail. Is there anyway I could do it, such as any
>>useful AppleScript to combine?
>AppleScript isn't going to allow you to do this. You can do this with
>Quick Keys though. <http://www.cesoft.com/products/qkx.html>
>You might also want to try the shareware application Keyboard Maestro.
>Keyboard Maestro 2.0.0b6 (Utilities - 05/11/2003)
>    hot key/macros, switcher, multiple clipboard
>    http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/11870

Actually, I have already installed and added some keybind as emacs, such as:


These keybinds correspond to alternative keystroke, thus were easy to add.
However, I do not know how to add keybinds that are more complicated
ones, such as:

Ctrl-k (delete rest of the line)
Ctrl-a (move to head of the line)
Ctrl-e (move to end of the line) 

I would be glad if anybody knows how to implement such features.

Thank you again,

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