Max -

If you mean the little rectangles, it seems to me that those are linefeed
(LF) characters.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
     Don V. Zahniser

On Friday, March 12, 2004, Max Gossell said:

>At times I get mails that look as below. The message is a reply to an
>earlier mail from me, and my message started with the line "(Por favor --
>remita este email a un administrador que hable inglés.)".
>What is this? Can something be done to:
>a) avoid getting the text formatted this way?
>b) making it more readable?
>Max Gossell
>(Btw - the message concerns my first "snailmail spam". I actually got a
>letter from Spain, telling me how rich I would soon become...)
Good Afternoon:
this  to  inform you that we have nothing to do with
>this kind of business.
We  only  work  with  insurances  for  homes,
>life, business, demises, etc.
Someone has been using our name to gest

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