*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Maybe, but why? If you don't have BBEdit just use the script for
TextEdit. Fundamentally I wouldn't write this script for Word either,
it's overkill. Why use AppleWorks when TextEdit is all you really need?

Andy Fragen

On Fri, Mar 12, 2004, Don V. Zahniser said:

>Any chance of adapting this to use AppleWorks?
>I've poked around but the combination of my Applescript illiteracy with
>the variability of the Applescript dictionary between applications is
>beyond me at the moment...
> -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>     Don V. Zahniser
>On Monday, March 8, 2004, Andy Fragen said:
>>Ask and you shall receive.
>>tell application "PowerMail"
>>      set theMessages to current messages
>>      repeat with msg in theMessages
>>              set s to source of msg
>>              tell application "BBEdit"
>>                      make new window
>>                      set contents of front window to s
>>              end tell
>>      end repeat
>>end tell
>>tell application "PowerMail"
>>      set theMessages to current messages
>>      repeat with msg in theMessages
>>              set s to source of msg
>>              tell application "TextEdit"
>>                      make new document at the beginning of documents with 
>> properties {text:s}
>>              end tell
>>      end repeat
>>end tell

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