Tim Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, February 20, 2004 stated:

>Forgive my Applescripting ignorance, but I'd like to make a small change
>to this script and don't know how.
>Basically, I'd like the text box in the dialog to contain "was: <original
>subject>", so I can hit left-arrow and prepend the new subject.
>(I like to know the original subject so I can find it in the online
>archives in the future, and yes, I realise the original subject is still
>in the headers - trouble is I'm quite likely to forget I renamed it!)

I think this is what you are talking about:

tell application "PowerMail"
        set MyMessage to current messages
        repeat with i in MyMessage
                set EMailSubject to (subject of i)
                display dialog "Was: " buttons {"Cancel", "Change"} default 
button ¬
                        "Change" default answer EMailSubject
                set NewSubject to (text returned of result)
                set subject of i to NewSubject
        end repeat
end tell

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- Mark Twain

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