As far as I can tell PM does indeed continue to check mail in user
account 'A' even whilst fast-switched to user account 'B'. I have a 2nd
account on my machine for my girlfriend to use and often when she's
logged into her side of things I hear PM chime to alert me to new mail on
my side (she uses web-based email, so I know that the chime isn't coming
from her user account).


G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.1  ::  PM 4.2.1  ::  3 pane mode

Original message:
Received from Mark Smith on 9/1/04 at 7:09 am

>I have just upgraded my 700MHz iMac to OS X 10.3. Apart from the changes
>Apple appears to have introduced to the way permissions and ownerships
>are handled all has gone well.
>The performance of PM (4.2.1) is definitely better than it was under
>10.2.x, especially tasks such as compacting the database etc., are
>noticeably quicker. It also appears that PM continues to check mail on an
>account, if you use fast user switching to switch to another user ID. Is
>this correct, or is it just ultra-fast when you log back into to the
>previous account? (Sometimes the volume of new mail seems to be too much
>for PM to be accessing mail as the previous ID rotates into view again.)

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