Since PM is database-driven, I assume that the folder/mailbox a
particular message is located in is simply a single field in the record
for that message.  If that's the case, then the answer to my question
(below) is probably "no effect," but I'll ask it anyway:

Is there any effect on performance or stability of the database when you
have a very large number of messages in one mailbox, as opposed to
splitting them across several?

I moved to PM from Eudora, and that program, which had a recommended
upper limit on mailbox size, caused me to get into a routine of splitting
my archived mail into mailboxes based on time periods ("Spring 2001,"
etc.).  But with PM's integrated database, and it's phenomenal searching,
I'm wondering if that's even necessary at all any longer.

My "sent messages" box is currently 6,000 plus and climbing.  Any worries
at all?


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (

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