
>I am sorry, I have not received any reply yet.  I am not aware of any
>anti-spam filters installed, but perhaps they are.  Would you be willing to
>post to the list the answer, and I can work from there?

This message is sent both directly and to the the list. Do you receive it

If the low level rebuild does not work on your database, and a disk check
with a disk utility does not help either, and you don't have recent
backups, then the only solution is to use a third party rescue tool to
export your database, and import it in a fresh database. This tool has
been written by Ben Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "None of the other POP clients does so much so simply. For serious users
    of e-mailer, the value of PowerMail 4 is excellent even considering the
    free alternatives."
  PowerMail user comment on

         Download a demo version from

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