On Tue, Nov 11, 2003,  it is attributed to PowerMail Engineering to have said:

>Do you have a different login for each account? If you have two powermail
>accounts for two email addresses that are collected to a single POP
>account, then all messages (private and corporate) are fetched when you
>check your corporate account. So they will all use your corporate address
>when you reply.
>The solution is then to create an incoming filter that change the account
>to your private account if the message is addressed to your private email

Separate pop accounts (off the same server, but with different domain values).

There is no issue with this in Eudora, if that makes any sense, and the
values are the same in both applications (I still use Eudora for my spam-
attractive accounts).


circumspect ¥SUR-kuhm-spekt¥, adjective:
Marked by attention to all circumstances and probable consequences;
cautious; prudent.

When the evidence is plentiful and the theories well confirmed, we can be
more confident of the historical scenarios we propose; when theories are
weak or evidence scarce, we ought to be more circumspect.
--Robert J. Richards

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