>One thing that irritates me from time to time about PM is that if I move
>around individual mail windows for some reason, all subsequent new
>windows open in that position.  STOP THAT.  I have a main position that I
>like and I want to keep it.


On a related point, I'd like a menu item/key command to bring all message
windows to the front of the mail browser window. For us of small
monitors, large mail browsers and not upgrading to Panther and Expose.
While writing this very message I discovered I had another message hiding
behind the browser window I meant to send last night. :(

I often position the new mail window slightly askew precisely so I can
get to it without having to go to the menu bar, or having to windowshade
the mail browser. Also I sometimes refer to a message in the mail browser
in the background as I type a new message in the foreground. I'd quote,
but the selection is too long: what I want to see may be at the beginning
and where I'm typing is at the end.

Maybe there's an option to do this? I remember something about grouping
windows per application, but that's not a change of order in the windows
within an application (?).

>Yes, I KNOW that's a message that's waiting to be sent and YES, I want to
>edit it as draft!  That's why I double-clicked it in the first place!  So
>stop asking me to confirm that each and every time, because I know what
>I'm doing!  I've never in my life inadvertently edited a message waiting
>to go out.
>Can we please turn that damn confirm message off?  Or make it an option?

Yes, definitely.


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