Leonard Morgenstern wrote:

>Three or four months ago, searching in PowerMail gave the result "No
>messages" even when I looked for words that I knew must be present. It
>had never done so before that time, but since then, it recurs every few
>Jerome gave me the solution: Trash the file "Message Database index" and
>let PowerMail create a new one. It's not hard to do, but it's a nuisance,
>mainly because I can never trust the result of a search.

That was with the beta version. With the final version, if such a problem
occurs, you get an error message on startup (indexing error, class=QIE ;
what=9; when=2), and you can rebuild the index from the file / database
menu without deleting the old one manually.

Can you describe your problem in detail? Do you have some error messages?
Can you find some words and not some others?

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "For me, PowerMail is a premium product that deserves its premium price
    through its intuitive UI, the excellent search engine, the adequate
    filtering, and the support for all sorts of mail accounts ranging from
    simple POP sessions to IMAP, SSL, and beyond."
  PowerMail user comment on www.macupdate.com

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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