>>>Have I got news for you... both of these points will be addressed in
>>>PowerMail's future !

I have made this request a number of times to Jerome and the staff, still
waiting to see this improvement and wondering if anyone else can bolster
my request, perhaps elaborate on it (if you understand what I am asking
for,) as sometimes I think my way of explaining things can be a bit unclear.

I send out mails to a number of groups, the largest group being my entire
mailing list of over 4000 names/addresses. Anyone doing the same
experiences the dreaded non-delivery notices, dead mailboxes, full
mailboxes, user unknown, whatever. Because PM recognizes the address ONLY
as an address (in the message text) and NOT as a user (with user-icon) I
have to double-click on that address, create an outgoing mail, reveal
that particular user in my address book and THEN delete them, then
discard the new outgoing mail. Quite a task when deleting 10% of your
entire address database.

If PM would recognize the addresses in the body of the mail as a user in
my database, a simple "delete user" from the menu would save me much time
and effort. This alone is making me look for another mail app, even
though I have been using PM for 4+ years. Perhaps I am overlooking
something that already exists in PM, so I ask for suggestions that do not
involve using another application. I guess what I am hoping for is some
support here, so that the folks making the improvements can see how
important this is to some of us.



PM 4.2.1

OSX 10.2.8
2x1MHz PowerPC G4
1.75 GHz

OSX 10.2.8
12" 867 MHz PB (powerbook lite)
640 MB


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