Hello Mirko,

Yes, you're right, there is a globe.

Thanks for pointing that out, I must complain to the sender.


>Is it possible that the mail is actually in HTML, not text?
>You can check in the bottom of the window: if there is a Globe, it is HTML.
>Mirko Kranenburg
>Maastricht, Netherlands
>OS X 10.2.6, Quicksilver 733, 1 Gb RAM
>Freeway Pro, NavPack, GraphPack,
>PowerMail 4.2, 3 panes
>The whole MarinerPak
>On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 14:14:23 -0700 Frank Mitchell wrote:
>>I have just received a strange email.
>>When I tried to create a reply the received message refused to allow me
>>to select any of the text in it. When I tried to view the Full Header for
>>any clues I found that all items under the View menu are grayed out.
>>Reply to Sender gives me a new message document but with none of 'sent'
>>text in it. When I tried to Save As Text to my desktop the saved message
>>contained nothing but the Subject line and my signature.
>>My other mails received at the same time act normally. Does anyone know
>>what is going on?
>>Power Mail 4.1.1
>>G4 Dual PPC with Mac OS 10.2.6

-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

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