This is strange indeed.

I cannot remember the last time Powermail failed on me. I won't say it
hasn't, but never where it doesn't start up right again.

I like powermail because i hate HTML with all it's dancing garbage.

I do not find an irregularity in the updates, Skins don't are not
terribly important to me. They would be nice but i consider them a
"frilly dilly". I have three accounts on my powermail. Two are pop
accountes and the last is my .mac account. I use powermail as a backup
for this account and have it set not to delete the mail so i can keep my
mail a little more separated.

Although Powermail will not handle all the HTML mail i get, the ones with
the genuine HTML format display ok in HTML when i want them to. There is
some HTML mail i get that doesn't seem to have the structure starting
with "HEAD" etc  that apparently is the format for HTML that you normally
see. Powermail wont display these but it's no great loss.

Also i probably don't use the many features that can be had in mail
applications and my data base may not be humungous, Powermail still is my
main Emailer. As for a built in spam filter i use Spamfire. It has its
drawbacks, but the extra work of running it first doesn't really bother
me at all.

I see a lot of messages on this discussion group with problems during
upgrades, I have yet to have an upgrade go bad on me or crunch up my
mail. Maybe i'm lucky, but i cannot knock results and i have to go with
what works best for me.

With all the means and extremes i see reading this support list i still
prefer Powermail.


>Okay, so I've been a *paid* user of Powermail 4 for I don't know, better
>then 6 months.  And I've been fairly happy.  However Thunderbird has been
>coming on strong, and I've installed it on a ton of friends computers,
>and they've been totally thrilled.  So here it is, I hate to give up on
>something I've paid good money into, but I see holding on to something
>just because I paid for it as a greater evil (two wrongs and all that).
>So here's where I'm at:
>Powermail Pros:
>I paid for it.
>It's better then Mail
>It's more Stable then Mail.
>I have all my email/accounts/etc in it.
>I have all my rules setup in it.
>Search engine (Foxtrot) works right.
>Pretty stable on my 1Ghz TiBook
>Powermail Cons:
>I paid for it
>No built in spam filter
>IMAP implementation is lacking.
>Crashes on my MDD Dual 1.25Ghz at least once a day.
>Interface isn't as slick as Thunderbird
>Tunderbird Pros:
>Nice, Customizable Interface
>Open Source
>Spam Filter
>Regular Updates
>Stable (hasn't crashed yet)
>Palm Support coming
>Thunderbird Cons:
>Unknown Future/Not Fully developed
>Open Source
>No AppleScript  (and unlikely in at least the near future)
>Import is lacking
>A little more bloat
>So talk me out of moving to Thunderbird.
>P.S. don't remind me of what version I'm running right now, I'm aware,
>it's been the most stable for whatever reason on this machine.

The faster the computer
The more impatient the user.

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