>I admit that one anecdote does not a solid recommendation make so I would
>ask those who have databases in the 10,000 message range to comment.  I
>tend to keep my database on the trim side of things, with only 5,000 or
>so messages plus the associated attachments (if any).

Been using PM for 16 months now (also a switcher from Eudora).  I had one
database problem once that was quickly fixed with a low-level rebuild. 
No mail lost.  Roughly 23,000 messages in my db now.

PM is not perfect, but with the recent manual rewrite and the new search
routine (still in beta, not official), PM has come close to being (for
me) the perfect e-mail client.  I use iKey (formerly Youpi Key) to run
some Applescripts and other keyboard customizations to keep the interface
as close to what I had been doing with Eudora as possible, and I love it.
 Coupled with SpamSieve, it's a dream.

Highly recommended.  Most of the other full-featured clients out there
are either slow (Entourage), don't handle Unicode (Mailsmith), ugly
(Eudora), or have some other hang-up.  I must mention that GyazMail,
despite it's odd name, looks like a serious contender for a client if the
programmer ever gets around to implementing AppleScript support.  It's
pretty darn good as it is, and yes, it stores mail in individual mailboxes.


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (www.hlj.com)

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