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On Thu, Jun 12, 2003, Ben Kennedy said:

>On 11 6 2003 at 1:51 am -0400, Andy Fragen wrote:
>>Attachments are funny things. If you move the attachment the link to the
>>message will be broken. In fact, I'm not sure if the above suggestion
>>would cause the link in the message to be broken.
>Suggestion to CTM in this regard:  begin using alias records to store the
>file reference, instead of (presumably) absolute paths.  This will
>maintain the linkage even if the file is renamed or moved elsewhere on
>the same disk.  In my app (Doggiebox), I made this change recently (took
>about 15 minutes of coding) and the gain in usability is remarkable --
>things seem to "just work" for the user.

Agreed. This would be a welcome fix.

Andy Fragen
TiBook 400/384 RAM - OS X 10.2.6 - PowerMail v4.1.3
PowerMail AppleScript Archives: http://homepage.mac.com/wayneb/powermail.html

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