on 06/11/2003 09:47 PM, Andy Fragen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm a convert from Entourage, which I adored. PM doesn't do everything
> that Entourage does but with AppleScript many things are reproducible. As
> an example, PM doesn't do internal bursting of digests. I was able to
> create a set of scripts (which can be found at the link in the sig) to
> burst non-MIME digests. PM doesn't do MIME digests well and they are
> significantly variable so that scripting a solution is not likely. So I
> changed my prefs to those lists that sent MIME digests to send non-MIME
> digests.
> Try the demo, available at http://www.ctmdev.com

Trying it now, there are a few things right off the bat that I am not
liking, maybe you all can suggest workarounds, or just tell me to stop being
such a picky person ;-)

Menus at the top, they are allowed above the screen, and no other app I have
seen in OS X does this, I liked it in 9, but in PM, it just seems strange to
me now, I have kind of used it as a "snap" feature now to move stuff to the
top of the screen, and it goes just to the very top.

Furthermore, I would like the ability to lock the menus to the message
window, rather than having them floating around, is this possible?

Attachments, seems PM just dumps them into a folder, there is no
organization to the folder at all, at least, I would like to see them stored
in folders named that of the account they are attached to.  I remember this
in Claris Emailer, I had the same issue, I started to like the way Entourage
stored the attachment with the message.

Send attachments, are they stored/copied anywhere?  Again, I liked the way
Entourage saved them to a message, often used that to save my but when I
needed to back rev a file.

I am actually more interested in learning more about what PM does not do
that Entourage does, for example the bursting of messages, I never used
that, so that does not matter to me, nice to know there is a script that can
handle it.  However, since I literally live out of email, I need to know up
front if this is going to work for me.  I would hate to import all my email
and not like it and have a heck of a time moving back to Entourage.  I just
fear Entourage is going to die, and I will be left making this decision some
other day soon.

Thanks again, and sorry to be so stuck on Entourage, I am really looking to
get out of it, what were your reasons for dumping it?

Scott Haneda                                Tel: 415.898.2602
http://www.newgeo.com                       Fax: 313.557.5052
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            Novato, CA U.S.A.

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