Thanks for the tips Charles and TimH. It's working again now! 



>On Tue, Jun 3, 2003 at 4:28 pm -0400, Charles Maurer wrote:
>>Karsten Liere wrote (03/06/2003):
>>>I just observed that the Services submenu is missing in PowerMail
>>>although it's showing up in any other application.
>>>I'm pretty sure that it used to work. However, I'm not using the feature
>>>very often, so I don't know when exactly it stopped. I tried repairing
>>>the disk permissions to no avail. 
>>>Maybe there's someone out there with a clue...
>>There is a limit to the number of services that can be shown by Carbon
>>apps.  Exceeding this limit by one drops all services off the menu. 
>>Apple have known about this bug for some time but have not fixed it.  The
>>workaround is to put all applications whose services you don't use in to
>>another folder (I use "/Applications (No Services)") and put aliases to
>>them into /Applications.  Note that to see changes in the menu, you need
>>to log out.
>Thanks for that aliases tip Charles; I finally have working WordServices!
>And having actually rtfm'd the Readme, I see DevonTech do warn people
>about the bug. By the way, they say that it usually appears at about the
>60-70 item mark; I found that I had to trim the list down well below that.

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