
You could be having the same problem I am, which as far as I can tell is
at the least a poor design and at most a certifiable bug in Powermail....

If when you are receiving messages a message is attempting to be sent and
it times out (which they frequently will), it will sit in the Out Tray...
 What's more is that it will block any more messages from getting
sent....  If you leave it in this state for long enough, it will
eventually screw up things so badly that you need to do the "disable mail
queue" thing in the maintenance window (which I forget how to bring up
right now, but it's pressing a few keys while opening Powermail)...  When
it gets this screwed up (and believe me - it will), you can't even change
the message status to "draft" then back to "waiting".. Also the
"Connection/Send Waiting Mail" doesn't seem to work in this situation
either...  This, truly, (besides the search engine) is one of the most
aggravating things about Powermail to me...

All that being said, the suggestion was made that inside of "Setup/Mail
Schedulings and Locations" there is a checkbox for "Send mail to SMTP
server" one of the checkboxes is "Immediately when queued"...  Anyways,
the point is you can disable this and just get in the habit of sending
out your email after having received everything... As preposterous as it
is that an email program can't send email reliably and you must do it
manually in order to compensate for it, this is about the only thing
which works.....  (Although, it doesn't work for me, I can't keep
remembering to do this with the volume of email I work with)...

Hope this helps/hope CTM will fix this one of these days...   BTW, why
are you guys so silent on this issue which keeps coming up?.....

- Greg

>My biggest complaint about PM is that I sometimes find unsent messages in
>my Out Tray hours after I thought I sent them.  I presume a connection
>wasn't completed to the mail server initially, but it certainly would be
>helpful if PM would try to send those messages again because I sometimes
>forget to look for unsent messages.
>Tom Miller
>4.1.3 on 10.2.6

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