Zach Selland sa:

>This may sound super-obvious and basic, but I know that other experienced
>users have run into this as well, so I thought I'd mention it. Powermail
>has a "view unread only" option that you can set folder by folder. You
>may want to go through and check the folders where mail is disappearing
>and make sure that "view all" is checked for that folder (under the view
Brilliant suggestion! What do you know. View all was not on! A newbie 
mistake, thank you god!
I'd say this still is a bug though , but an interface design one. Or is 
there some visual indication in the window itself that I'm overlooking? 
Is this different in PM4?

What I'd like is the window message saying "0 out of 2764 messages" or 
"25 out of 2764 messages". This is what my DBs say when listing content 
and many others, so I took it for granted.
Now is say only "0 messages", which I have to regard as misleading. 
Remember what I saud about users being a real source of interface 
feedback? Now I was the user and I didn't operate as the designers had 

>Another thing, it sounds like your windows preferences might have become
>corrupted. This might explain why the database reports that it is fine
>but you are still having problems. Try checking the last 2 options in
>Powermail first aid and see if it fixes anything.
I'm going to keep an eye on this as well. 

Now I can progress with my migration and belief in PM have been restored.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! 

(Sending a copy to support)

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