For those of you still wanting to understand my current problem, this is
a reworked description of what I just sent to CTM Support:


I have a serious problem with Powermail 3.1.3 under Mac OS X 10.2.5, on
my Powerbook G3 with 128 MB RAM, and 4GB drive (900 MB free). Disc is OK
and I can't find any logical or physical errors in the file tree or other
errors with either fsck or Drive 10. The PM files and folders owner and
permissionsa re set to all access for my (administrative) user and read
only for all others.

To migrate I'm moving messages from my old client Emailer 2.0v3 into
Eudora mailbox format with the Shapiro script "Export - Eudora", that is
mentioned in the PowerMail online help. It works well in Classic, which
is run under 9.2.2 US, swedish settings, and Applescript 1.8.3.  Scrutiny
in a text editor shows no irregularities in the resulting files, at least
not at a glance.

Also, importing these Eudora mailboxes goes very well, except in one case
which I'll get back to later, and all messages turn up in the resulting
folder (I do them one at a time).
In one folder I import 10300 messages in rounds because I want to set the
labels to the same label as in my older Email client. When I do this in
the imported folder: select all messages, change the label and then move
these to the existing folder, I get "Database Error 7, a low level error
occurred". The display shows as if only one message have been moved away
from the import folder. But if I close and reopen the browser, I can see
that all messages have been moved to where I wanted them. Post this the
browser do not display properly, that is the visual feedback is not
happening, unless I close and reopen after every operation, so I realize
I may need a rebuild or something.

L O W   L E V E L   R E B U I L D
So I do a low level rebuild (the only way I know of to fix DB problems in
PM) and everything seem to work out, including the verification of the
DB. All the messages are where I wanted them the first time I rebuild, so
I believe that the errors have been overcome.

S E R I O U S   P R O B L E M
The serious problems starts with one of the folders, the Powermail Talk
folder, that I've already created as a sub folder. I get new fresh
imported Powermail folder on the first level I take the ca 2200 messages
there without changing the labels and move them to the already existing
folder and I'm then meshing the messages collected with PM with the
imported messages. So far so good. All the messages are there, where I
want them an no errors reported in the process.

M E S S A G E S   D I S A P P E A R
I then close the app and reopen a day or so later. Then *only* the 30
messages collected previously by PM is there. I do a new rebuild. No
messages except those collected by PM. I do notice that the outgoing
messages that's supposed to be in there are gone.
I send some messages to PowerMail Talk and other places. A filter I have
made move all outgoing Powermail Talk to the Powermail Talk folder. Post
sending, the messages are gone. After an hour of use only 17 remain of
the 30 or so in there (the 2200 imported ones are missing of course).
After still some hours *no messages remain* in the PowerMail talk folder.
They are all gone!!! After this, this particular folder is behaving like
a black hole. Anything moved there seem to go up in smoke. This is not
the case with a handful of other folders, including the 10 000+ messages

A new rebuild and verification makes no difference. I check my disc. No
errors whatsoever. No other apps display problems. I'm a bit stunned and
am now back at using Emailer again for my Email. That was not what I had
in mind.

I need to know this as soon as possible:

€ Can you please help me analyze this problem?
€ What can cause this strange behavior described?
€ If the method I'm using for migration is not the best, can you please
suggest a viable alternative** considering I have 95 000+ messages in 274
folders. I need to move about 30 000 of these at least as I need them
under my fingertips.
€ What can I do to prevent the problems described from reoccurring?
€ Are there any other way to repair a PM DB beside low level rebuilds?
€ Why can messages disappear when doing a rebuild? This never happens in
Emailer, when I rebuild. On the contrary, messages come back when

** When I tried 2 years ago to migrate by first importing into Outlook
4.5, messages showed up intact there with all extended ASCII characters
correct. I then successfully imported those messages from Outlook into
Powermail 3.0.9 under OS X 10.0.2. All the extended characters were
wrong. I mailed Sales ( I didn't know about Support then) about this
problem the 9th of May 2001. Beside a confirming message, they never got
back to me.
Is this still a problem with taking the route over Outlook? The problem
must be PM's, no? After all everything looked correct in Outlook. Or are
there settings that I need to adjust? What can I do to make this *really*

C H A R A C T E R  P R O B L E M S
I also had this extended character problem now when importing one
particular folder, from my school where there are mostly Swedish posts.
*Some* subject lines had erroneous characters, but not the messages
themselves. What kind of problem is that and how can I work around it?

BTW, would it be possible to import to 4.1 Demo and export in a useful
format to 3.1.3 ?

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