Greg Saylor on 5/14/03 said

>There is something with Powermail which I just cannot take any longer...
>I keep having messages pile up in my Out Tray and they don't send.. I
>have to keep going into that debugging mode and disable the spooler (or
>whatever it is) and then manually go back in and change the message
>status to "Waiting"...
>Clearly Powermail is BROKEN with regard to this...  I would like to know
>when is this going to be fixed?... If the answer is never then I simply
>must switch email programs because this is a daily aggravation for me...
>An email that can't send email without jumping through hoops is rediculous..
>Sorry if I sound angry, but I am tired of screwing around with this..

I don't think it is PowerMail itself which is giving you this problem.
Yes, some of us have occasional hangups, where we have to change the
message make to draft and re-send, but a problem of this magnitude
suggests that something is wrong with your setup; whether your PowerMail
got corrupted, whether you need to do PowerMail first aid, whether you
need to do some kind of disk first aid, whether your isp's smtp server is
acting up....
There could be so many causes.

If you write to power mail support and mark URGENT I am sure they will
get back to you.

But it can't be just an uncorrupted copy of PowerMail itself or the rest
of us would be seeing this sort of problem as well.

Also I forget which PowerMail are you using and which Mac OS?

Barbara Needham

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