schmidt systementwicklung [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 5/4/03 at 3:16 AM stated: 

>FM >5.5 I think, should run under OS X native, like 4D >6.7.
>And you don't need to buy FM, the runtime should be free.

However, Scott runs into one issue most of us don't. FileMaker still
requires a separate version for Japanese. The version most European and
North American customers use won't work with double-byte characters, so
he would need to use the Japanese version for that. 

Also there are other Databases other than 4D that would work, however
somebody would need to write the import and export routines for these --
Mac OS X made a number of databases such as Frontbase available for
relatively nothing. 


"I could tell you a million stories, I could cost you your beliefs. But,
I've never stolen from a honest man, 'cause I'm the prince of thieves. "
-- Prince of Theives: Walking Wounded

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